Dakwah Corner Bookstore Malaysia
Welcome to the official website of Dakwah Corner Bookstore Malaysia, Professional In Multi-languange Islamic Materials. Alhamdulillah, Praise be to Allah, we are finally in operation and our bookstore...
View ArticleBuku-buku baru keluaran Dakwah Corner Bookstore
berminat sila hubungi Farid Ullah Ahmed Hussin hp 019 337 6790 tel 03 7956 4664 Dakwah Corner Bookstore (M) Sdn Bhd, 34-1 Jalan 14/22, Section 14, 46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, MALAYSIA...
View ArticleThe Importance Of Marrying A Righteous Spouse
By Sheikhah Umm ‘Abdillaah al-Waadi’iyyah (daughter of Sheikh Muqbil) Imam al-Bukhaaree (rahimullah) stated (9/132): It has been relayed to us by Musaddid that Yahya relayed to us, on ‘Ubaydallaah that...
View ArticleSome Excellent Reminders - The Mercy Of Allaah & Putting Trust In Allaah
"Never Lose hope in the Mercy of Allaah, verily Allaah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." [Surah Az Zumar 39:53] - We get very hard on ourselves sometimes. And while there...
View ArticleThe Islamic Dress Code
By Khalid Baig What would you think of a home that provided no shelter and no privacy? What would you think of a meal that provided no nourishment and no energy? It does not take much to realize that...
View Articlesiasah???
apa itu siasah?????why some people blame siasah???....pernah dengar...jadilah pengikut yang baik sebelum nak jadi pemimpin ^_~..i like that quoute...cz rite now every 1 wan to be a leader....setiap...
View ArticleTool for success
education are the tool for success...root of education is IQRA & learn...education are the tool for success, this statement hv been proved...u can see around u...how education can increase...
View ArticleWhen Parents Don't Approve
By Dr. Aneesah NadirGetting Married Parental disapproval of their adult child’s mate selection is a big problem for the fictional ‘Ali and Khan families. Mrs. ‘Ali wants her daughter to marry a doctor...
View ArticleLazy Boy - It's All in Your Mind!
by Muhammad Alshareef During the time of Prophet Muhammad (salAllaahu alayhi wasallaam), an incident happened in which a man slept the entire night and he missed the Fajr prayer. Despite the fact that...
View ArticlePick your teeth!
Pick your teeth! How often do we say such a phrase or say that "I was only joking". We treat lies as being trivial. However we are told that Allaah's messenger did not hate anything more than lying....
View ArticleWhat to Do After Saying “I Do” - Tips For The Bride.
By Umm Junayd It’s important for newly wed couples to build their lives on mutual communication and sharing thoughts. If you are a new bride or going to wed anytime soon, this is a special serving of...
View ArticlePoor Dad vs. Rich Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
Poor Dad vs. Rich DadMy Poor Dad Said My Rich Dad Said "My house is an asset." "My house is a liability." Rich dad says, "If you stop working today, an asset puts money in your...
View Articlehibah (gift)
So often we hear people saying, "He never gives me an expensive gift. That is why I have chosen this cheap gift for him" or someone might say, "I am going to buy an expensive gift for her because she...
View ArticleThe Five Languages Of Love
By Maria Zain Marriage and family life expert Dr. Gary Chapman explains that each one of us speaks one or more of five different languages of love. The “Love Languages”, he says, refer to how we...
View ArticleDana kecemasan
Anda mungkin pernah mendengar pepatah ini, “Apabila hujan, ia turun dengan lebat!” Ini adalah benar, lebih-lebih lagi dalam masalah kewangan kerana kesan gandaan. Oleh itu, kita dinasihatkan agar...
View ArticleHidup Dengan Duit yang Sedikit
Apa yang naik dan tidak akan jatuh? Selain daripada umur anda, harga barangan dan perkhidmatan adalah jawapan yang munasabah! Hakikatnya pada akhir-akhir ini, banyak telah diperkatakan tentang kenaikan...
View ArticleHidup Dengan Duit yang Sedikit
Apa yang naik dan tidak akan jatuh? Selain daripada umur anda, harga barangan dan perkhidmatan adalah jawapan yang munasabah! Hakikatnya pada akhir-akhir ini, banyak telah diperkatakan tentang kenaikan...
View ArticlePrinsip Meminjam
“Nak pinjam ke tak nak pinjam…” itu biasanya bukan satu pilihan! Kebanyakan daripada kita akan perlu meminjam untuk membeli kereta pertama atau rumah pertama (malah untuk sebahagian daripada kita,...
View ArticleHati-hati Bila Berbelanja
Keadaan ekonomi sekarang merupakan waktu yang agak mencabar bagi kita; maka, inilah waktu yang terbaik untuk kita menilai kedudukan kita. Malah, adalah lebih penting untuk kita ketahui di mana...
View Article104 Ways to Save Extra Money
Here are 104 ways to save extra money. Why save money? Well, so you can afford your future. So you won’t have to rely on credit to get you by. So you can do some fun things. There are lots of reasons...
View Articleerm Loan vs Flexi Loan for Property Financing
Currently, in the market there are two most widely known Property Financing. There are Term Loan and Flexi Loan. But for many of people, they have no idea what are the different between them &...
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